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How to Care for Flowers After Buying Them

Flowers are considered one of the most beautiful gifts that we can receive or give because they are a tool for expressing feelings, they bring joy and happiness, make you feel reassured and consoled and other noble feelings, but caring for them after purchase is an important step to ensure that they continue to enjoy their beauty for a longer time. In this article, we will review in detail the most basic tips on how to care for flowers after buying them, which helps to preserve their freshness and beauty and enjoy them.

The most important guidelines for flower care

There are several important instructions that you should follow to keep your flowers fresh for as long as possible, including:

1- Choosing the right container

It is preferable to place the bouquet in a suitable place and container in terms of lighting and room temperature

Lighting: It is preferable to place the flowers in a place that receives indirect light. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for long periods, as this may cause them to wilt quickly.

Temperature: Keep the room temperature moderate. Avoid placing them near heaters or air conditioners

2- Adding water

The topic of adding water is divided into two parts, the first is to clean the vase and the second is the type of water used

Clean the vase: Before adding flowers, make sure to clean the vase thoroughly using soap and water to get rid of any bacteria or sediment that may be present inside the vase.

Water: Use clean, slightly cool water. Make sure to fill the vase with water until about halfway full because the flowers will absorb some of this water.

3- Pruning the stems

Pruning: Before placing the flowers in the vase, cut about 2-3 cm from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle. This helps improve water absorption but if they are already cut, don’t do it again.

Remove leaves: Make sure to remove any healthy or damaged leaves that will be submerged in the water, as they may lead to water sterility and rapid death of the flowers.

4- Change the water regularly

Change the water: You should change the water every two or three days. Make sure to clean the vase thoroughly when you change the water.

Feeding: If you are using preservatives, make sure to follow the instructions on the package. You can also use a simple sugar solution as an alternative to flower preservatives.

5- Using preservatives

If you want to know how to care for your flowers after buying them, buy a package of preservatives, and be sure to add them to the water. These substances work to extend the life of the flowers for a very long time or, as we said, use a sugar water solution as an alternative.

6- Check your flowers daily

Daily inspection: Make sure to check the condition of your flowers every day. If you see any wilted petals or yellowed leaves, remove them immediately so they don’t take more nourishment than healthy ones.

Additional pruning: If the stems start to deteriorate, you can cut them back to improve their ability to absorb water.

7- Avoid exposure to direct sunlight

Try not to place your flowers in direct sunlight or near heat sources. It is best to place them in a cool and shady place to keep them fresh

8- Monitor the temperature

Make sure that the temperature in the place where you put the flowers is not too high. Flowers need a moderate environment to stay healthy

9- Know the type of flowers

Different types of flowers have different care needs. Make sure you know the type of flowers you have and their specific needs for water and light

10 – Enjoy the beauty of flowers

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of flowers. Decorate your space with them and share your beautiful moments with friends and family

In the end, by following these tips, you can learn how to care for flowers after buying them to keep them beautiful and healthy for longer.

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