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Roses Bouquet with a White Wrapper and Red Bow (code 101)


A bouquet of 40 natural red and white roses in a white wrapper with a red bow and a choice of your choice of wrapping.

This stunning roses bouquet with a white wrapper and red bow features a beautiful arrangement of 40 natural red and white roses, elegantly wrapped in a crisp white cover and adorned with a vibrant red bow. The circular design of the bouquet creates a classic and romantic look, making it perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just to brighten someone’s day. You can choose the wrapping style that best suits your taste, adding a personal touch to this already charming gift. The combination of the rich red and pure white roses symbolizes love and purity, making this bouquet not just a gift, but a heartfelt expression of your feelings. It’s a delightful way to show someone you care, and the quality of the flowers ensures they will be cherished for days to come.


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